Arts of Snohomish Gallery
From Fine Art to the Perfect Gift
Joan Pinney - Watercolor
In 1999 Joan received the Northwest Watercolor Society's purchase award. Foss Maritime has selected Joan's paintings for six of their calendars. In the 2008 West Coast Paper Exhibition, Joan's painting was chosen for the third place award.
In 2014, the Arts Council of Snohomish County (Schack Art Center) named Joan “Artist of the Year” for Snohomish County.
Joan is a signature member of the Northwest Watercolor Society and a founding member of the Sky Valley Artists Guild and the Arts of Snohomish Gallery.
Joan's specialty is watercolors of Northwest and maritime scenes, including lighthouses, sailboats, and seascapes. Joan's artwork is currently being displayed at Arts of Snohomish Galley in Snohomish, Washington.The inspiration for Joan's paintings comes from her extensive travels in the Pacific Northwest. The San Juans and the Oregon and Washington Coast provide many themes for her maritime paintings. Dramatic skies, sun washed houses, mountains, quiet harbors and sail boats all contribute to her creativity. Travels to other countries are also a great inspiration, Italy and England are favorites.
Joan's paintings have been jury selected in regional and national shows including the Northwest Watercolor Society's annual show and the Frye Museum's Puget Sound Area Exhibition.