Arts of Snohomish Gallery
From Fine Art to the Perfect Gift
Juile White - Colored Pencils, Oil
Julie White is an artist who lives in Shoreline, WA. She's originally from Wisconsin where she graduated from the Milwaukee Inst. of Art & Design, and she moved to the PNW in 1997 for the gorgeous landscape and milder weather.
Julie is the founder and sole artist of Je Ne Sais Cluck, LLC, founded in 2018 after she found a passion for drawing birds, specifically her own pet chickens' family portraits that she chose to do in the classic school portrait composition. Of course, this led her to multitudes of other birds that are not her pets. Her chosen medium has been colored pencils, but is spreading into watercolor, gouache, and oils. You can find her work at
Over time, Julie has added landscapes, flowers, and various other (non-bird!) animals to her portfolio.
Artist statement: "Color is my favorite muse. It's amazing not only in its beauty, but also in how it creates space and depth on a flat surface. It will never cease to amaze me as I add it to my own canvas."