Arts of Snohomish Gallery
From Fine Art to the Perfect Gift
Morgaine Larson - Metal Art
I am a metal artist who is consistently growing, learning, and enjoying every minute of it. Aside from metal, I’ve practiced many artforms, especially mixing assorted mediums to make one piece. I tend to be inspired by a lot, but nature, music, and people are my top three. Everything I do starts with a vision and a lot of thinking, a sketch, and then I feel my way into materials and how I will start to bring it to life.
I’ve always been an artistic and creative person since I was a child. I started my art education going to school for graphic design, but then switched my degree once I realized I needed to work with my hands more than a computer. I have taken an abundance of art classes throughout the years, from Drawing, Oil painting, Acrylics, Pottery, Photography, and Lampworking. For the past 6 years I have been focused on metal and wood working, and at times combining the two. I’ve enjoyed working with metal so intently that I decided to switch my degree to Metal Fabrication at Everett Community College and graduated in 2021.
Metal is what peaks my passions the most. I started my small business this year, Pyro Metals LLC, centered on plasma cutting, CNC design, welding, shaping, and flamework. I love texture, colors, and things that glisten or capture light, so I tend to do a lot of grinding and polishing of my metal pieces. Once I finish prep work, I will either spray paint or heat color the steel and then finish with clear coat. I am always trying new things and find that art is limitless. As of late I am making garden art, wall décor, small sculptures, and wood hanging metal mobiles. I am new to showing my art and putting myself out there. I have sold my pieces to friends, family, and word of mouth and would love to make the next step and start applying for galleries and vendors.