Arts of Snohomish Gallery
From Fine Art to the Perfect Gift
Susan Dawson - Pastel and Oil
Born in Seattle, Susan Dawson's art was influenced from a very early age by her grandfather, an oil painter, and her father, who had a master's degree in art. Both provided significant encouragement for her to pursue her artistic endeavors.
Being raised in a military family provided the opportunity to travel and study in Europe and Asia as a child. Observing art from these cultures exposed Susan to inspiration that she refers to today.
After taking time off from art to raise a family and have a career, she is now a full-time artist and grandmother of five. She has also been accepted and won awards in several juried shows around the Pacific Northwest, such as Edmonds, Mount Lake Terrace, Live Arts Bothell, Arts of Snohomish gallery and the Northwest Pastel Society. Susan currently teaches mixed-media classes at her Snohomish Studio.